Saturday, June 05, 2021

One Last Trip


People have always been visitors to the desert.  Some have live here part time and some only briefly visited.  All who have been here have left information about themselves behind.

Early people left pictographs 

How the solstice marker works
On June 21the sun shines into that big crack and shines on the small flat rock next to it on the right.

At 9 am it shines directly onto the spiral and signals the start of the summer solstice.

Pictographs can be seen from several overlooks.

Early explorers took photographs and footprints.

Modern travelers left signs of their machines.

The line of "T" poles mark the original Route 66.

That would be 31.9 cents per gallon.

Now the only inhabitants are critters such as  ravens and lizards.

Next--playing tourist.

Louise and Duane

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