Thursday, January 04, 2018

Two Docs--Again

After talking to our medical insurance provider Duane gave up on the idea of a clinic for me and made an appointment with an actual doctor’s office. We went to a lot of trouble to establish one doctor, then ended up as a patient with another doctor too.  The price of the choice to travel.

At one pm (or thereabouts), I was ushered into the exam room, gave my brief medical history, and was soon talking to my nurse practitioner.  After more questioning, and contact info for our regular dr. in Tyler, I was diagnosed with a bacterial upper respiratory infection, and had three prescriptions called into a local pharmacy.  After a few more minutes we were out the door and on our way to the pharmacy. About 15 minutes and a $30 copay later, we were out the door with my steroid, my antibiotic, and my nasal spray.  This same thing happened to me two years ago in Florida:  same symptoms, same progression of infection, same treatment except for the nasal spray.  I am thinking that this time the rate of recovery will be the same too.  This means that for another week I will feel like doing nothing and actually end up doing nothing.  Duane will continue helping me with whatever I need at the moment, and keeping himself busy with computer and pickleball.

Sounds like a plan!

1 comment:

Paul and Marsha Weaver OCT. 17, 2009 said...

So glad you got into a doctor. Sounds like you really needed actual meds rather than just over-the-counter. Take it easy. Hopefully you will feel much better very very soon.