Saturday, January 27, 2018

Good Mistakes

How many times have you said that you made a bad error?  I have found that in playing pickleball I have made a lot of bad errors.  I have also made a lot of good ones.  Pickleball is a game that, compared to other sports, doesn’t require as much agility, speed, or strength.  It helps, but isn’t required to play a winning game. What is important is where you put the ball.  The idea is to put the ball wherever your opponent isn’t.  After playing pickleball for a few years, I have actually been trying to place the ball (if it comes to me slowly enough).  This requires thinking, something I don’t have time to do in the game.  This is when I make bad mistakes, putting the ball exactly where my opponent wants it to be.  Most of the time the ball comes flying and I have no time to think.  Then I just stick out my paddle in the general vicinity of the ball and hope for the best.  Most of these non-thinking moments I manage to contact the ball and send it into the court.  That’s a good mistake. Often this move changes the trajectory of the ball and  it lands someplace unexpected by my opponents.  Happily that is another good mistake.

Hope you had a good mistake day.

Louise and Duane

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