Thursday, May 06, 2021

That's Done


Today I took my pile of 6" squares next door to lay them out in my quilt top.  The rv park manager owns the building which he rents out for parties.

Some people randomly put pieces together, but I'm particular about how it's done.  
I start by alternating dark and light squares.

As the top grows, I tri to keep identical fabrics scattered around the entire top, and try not to have two of the same pattern/color in the same row.

This process took me the better part of the day, but I was finally satisfied with the layout.  
The final step was to put a numbered paper on the each piece of the left hand row.  Then I picked up each row across, and pinned them together with their number, seventeen rows with seventeen blocks in each row.  I took my pinned rows home and ignored them the rest of the day.
Duane was busy with other stuff.  He had his annual CT scan and xray of his kidneys.  Next Tuesday he will discuss the results with his doctor at his follow up appointment.  That done, he enjoyed a beautiful afternoon bike ride.  

Only 18 days left before we leave.

Louise and Duane 


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