Tuesday, December 29, 2020



The sun was warm.  The breeze was cool.  I said to myself you'd be a fool to sit inside and waste this beautiful weather.

But why should I sit outside I said when I'm more comfy inside instead?  I'll open doors and windows.  That's enough of a bother.

That's not enough, I replied with distain.  To exercise is really the main excuse to rouse yourself and get into a lather.

Oh pooh, I said.  I'll get the trash and walk to the dumpster then make a dash around the rv park.  That's enough of a dither.

I argued, to enjoy the beautiful blue sky with white puffy clouds floating by, you'll need to walk a while.  You'll feel as light as a feather!

I opened the windows and took a walk to make myself stop that silly talk.  I walked a mile then walked back home another.

Now I'm back in my chair and feeling good.  I'm glad that I finally understood how to shut myself up so I could do what I'd really rather!

Hope you enjoyed your day too,

Louise and Duane

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