Sunday, December 20, 2020

Jeeze Louise!

  When I first received my instructions for this quilt, I looked at the length and width as 80'x88'.  I thought that really strange to have a quilt 8 inches wider than it was long.  Three days later (checking the dimensions every day), when I measured the finished size it measured 88 wide and 80 long counting the borders which go on last.  To get those dimensions I added 6' blocks down each side and along the bottom, with none on the top.  

Today, while I was still wondering about the weird size, I idly looked at the instructions.  I blinked and read them again.  They read length 88", width 80"!  I couldn't believe my eyes!  I had Duane read it to me before I realized what I had done the last four days! 

Fortunately, this was a fairly easy fix--time consuming, but easy because the quilt was a square made of squares.

I removed the strip on the left and applied it across the top.  I cut the right hand strip in half and applied the cut off strip to the left side. 

Now the quilt has a strip of 6" blocks at the top and the bottom, and a 3" strip on either side.
Once the borders are applied, the quilt will be the correct dimensions--length 88" and width 80".

Still working and playing,

Louise and Duane

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