Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Today my hiking buddy was back, and shared in the delights of Loop C.

In the shady forest sun loving wildflowers are few and far between, but fungi love the cool and damp.  In addition to the usual stemmed variety

we found an abundance of shelf fungus.

We are always on the lookout for wildlife.  We hear a lot of songbirds, and occasionally see a squirrel or two, but in the three days we've hiked here in Tyler State Park we've seen no deer--until today.  Duane was ecstatic!  I was able to get a good view of the south end of it as it cleared a fence and disappeared in the underbrush.  Alas, it was too quick for my camera.

During an evening stroll around a camping loop, though, this bold raccoon ignored us.  It had entered an open car door and pulled this bag out for a candy treat.

Hoping to get some kind of work schedule soon,

Louise and Duane

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