Thursday, March 18, 2021

Quite Good With Needles

When Duane is finished with each project that needs assembling, he glues the edges together, then punches a series of holes to get it ready to sew.  He places a punch on the edge then pounds it

until the holes are through both pieces.  For small items like this Bic holder, he uses a one or (in this case) a two pronged punch.

For larger items such as his motorcycle windshield bag, he uses a four or five pronged punch.  When the holes are in place he lines them up and starts sewing using two needles and two strips of leather.  He goes one direction with one needle,

then through the same hole with the other needle.

This system is time consuming, but leaves a very neat line of stitching.
Tonight he finished sewing  his pouch.  (It still needs a clasp.)

and this lighter holder (a request from a friend).

 No blog tomorrow. Our twin granddaughters will be competing in several events in a rodeo tomorrow evening which means that we'll be there quite late.

We'll be back Saturday night.

Louise and Duane

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