Thursday, February 07, 2019

Never Too Cold?!!

A beautiful sunny day here in Tonopah, AZ. found us on the pickleball court this morning.  Duane went to play with the “big boys and girls” in Buckeye while I walked up the street to the Saddle Mountain RV Park courts.  The air was brisk, but the court is protected against wind and usually several degrees warmer than the rest of the park.  I practiced my serves for about 20 minutes, but no one joined me.  Hmmm.  I did laundry instead, then spent the rest of the day goofing off.  The temp at 11:30 was 35 d.  At 5pm it was 55, the high for the day.  As I said yesterday (see Sunny Again blog)  55d here in the desert may or may not be warm.  The air temperature makes a big difference.  Yesterday the arctic wind made 55 seem cold.  Today the sun warmed everything nicely, but the cold breeze kept outside activities at a minimum.  Most people opted to stay comfortably warm inside.

Just a few more days of chill.

Louise and Duane

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