Friday, June 21, 2019

Playing All Day

On our third day of visiting friends Kenny and Lisa in Colona, IL, Kenny took us to a new city pickleball complex that he had discovered in the nearby town of Silvis.  The fenced in area consists of a very nice tennis court (left) which is also lined for pickleball, and these three equally nice pickleball courts.

Kenny had invited his friend Pat, whom we had also met in Tonopah (AZ) last winter, to come play with us.  We passed  a fun couple of hours rotating around through several games.  Here Kenny and Lisa (serving) take on Pat and Duane (red shirt). 

The daily rain cut short our court time, but failed to dampen our spirits.  Back at the house we yakked our way through take-out pizza for lunch and an afternoon of aggravating--I mean playing with--the dog.  Lisa said that we should do our laundry while we visited, and in no time our week's clothes were back in the baskets cleaned and folded.  When we'd talked off our lunch we headed  to the local Denny's for supper for me and breakfast for Duane, Kenny and Lisa.  Back at the house again we digested supper and more conversation before Duane and I headed back to our campground in Geneseo.

Lisa has to work all day tomorrow, but Kenny and Duane--ever hopefull--planned a bike ride in case  the rain holds off.

I'm not so hopeful, but we'll see.

Louise and Duane

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