This morning we drove two hours from Tyler (TX) to Trenton above Dallas. Our goal was the "fixer-upper" property our son Duane Jr. and daughter-in-law Brandey recently purchased. We are here for two days to work on some of their outside projects.
Our task for today was to build a dog pen. We drove to their present residence and dismantled the dog fence, drove it to the new property and got to work. While Duane drove fence posts, I picked up anything that could hurt the dogs' feet and cut saplings and thorny vines away from the fence line. Next we wired hog panels (premade sections of fencing) together to make the pen.
Duane removed door frame that was falling apart and we put hog panel over that too.
Duane Jr arrived from work in time to help attach the gate.
Next the guys stapled plastic to the open side of the house against the rain predicted for tomorrow.
Meanwhile the girls exercised their horses while I visited with Coy and Alyssa.
After working hard we rewarded ourselves with a fishing trip to the big pond.
(Across the pond Coy is chatting with Grandpa.)
Emma caught the first fish (admired by Alyssa).
Emma caught the second, while
Gramps caught the third.
Emma caught the most "green (moss) fish"
but Ava caught the only "stick fish".
Alyssa and Coy enjoyed some time with Gramdpa while we waited for the girls to gather their fishing equipment.
Before we left Jr (sitting on my left) told us what was next on his wish list.
After supper we found a motel room and called it a night.
More work on the agenda tomorrow.
Louise and Duane