Thursday, October 19, 2017

Good Stuff

Duane now has an eye doctor in Tyler.  This doctor says that he doesn’t have glaucoma and that his macular degeneration is nothing to worry about either.  Duane will visit him again in 6 months to see if he needs his eye drops any more.

  The office was hosting a pumpkin decorating contest.


I liked the two on the right.


TX31, our main route to all of our doctors in Tyler, is finally completely paved.

This was taken from our truck, which we finally retrieved this morning with the heater working again.


The family took time out from their weekend trip preparations to share dinner with us.


A fun day out for us tomorrow.

Louise and Duane

1 comment:

Paul and Marsha Weaver OCT. 17, 2009 said...

Good to hear about Duane's eye appointment.

Isn't it amazing how creative people are. I love the pumpkin decorating idea.