Friday, May 10, 2019

Wrong Again!

No rain greeted us this morning, nor all day until after 7 pm when a gentle mist moved in.  Otherwise we saw only  gray skies and cool temps--10-15 d. cooler than we've been having.  Our activities today were a repeat of yesterday, except that Duane didn't play pickleball.  He did drive to town to pick up the bike seat bolt that he ordered the other day for our original seat, and to pick up the newly upholstered (replacement) seat. (Ironically, now that he has access to two seats, the rain will keep him from any riding for a while.)    He put the final coat of clear finish on the boxes we bought for our granddaughters' birthday presents.  As I did yesterday, I walked around the park  in the am and pm, and crocheted another color of netting into scrubbies. 

After hearing from our son in Trenton that his new house is almost ready for finishing inside, we are making plans to move there on May 20th, after my post-op checkup.  Other than that we are trying to keep ourselves busy until we are ready to pack up and move again.

Hangin' in there,

Louise and Duane

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