Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Day two of our visit to son Duane Jr and family started with two hours of pickleball for us.  After lunch we worked hard helping the family renovate their "new" house.  
Our job for today was to finish removing the old linoleum and adhesive.  We followed Brandey's method of soaking the floor, then using a scraper to loosen and remove the goop.  Duane did the grunt work.  I picked up the wet gooey mess and put it in trash bags.  

The finished product.  

In the evening we attended a lip sync program at the twins' school.  

.  Here Emma and Ava with two of their friends lip synced a song called Chains.  Note one girl is in jail in the background.

There were several brave souls who took part in this program, the first one for the school.  Two of the favorites were these lunch ladies syncing an Adam Sandler routine.

Since we are in Texas, after the program we had to go to DQ.  (I think there is some sort of state law about that.)

Very tired, 

Louise and Duane

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