Sunday, May 05, 2019


With only the usual stuff to throw on the couch when we move, we are ready to hitch up the house  for Duane to take his driving test and finally be a totally legal driver in Texas.  Tomorrow his wait will be over but I still have two weeks to wait.  I am feeling well enough to be antsy and bored with my sedentary activities, but know that I am not ready to start living my very active life quite yet.  Meanwhile we do our best to stay productively busy.  Today for example, he resealed the roof around the antenna and helped me to dismantle my rock tumbler, and played several hours of pickleball.  I decided that my glass is ready to assemble into my light catcher project, baked muffins, walked for 40 minutes, and rested a lot while I worked many pencil puzzles. I am aware that many people would gladly trade lives with me at this time, but as everyone knows, the grass is always greener wherever you aren't standing.  That said, I am very grateful to have the leisure to heal properly.

Still not complaining, (at least not too much),

Louise and Duane

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