Thursday, May 02, 2019


Between the weather and waiting for my post-op release, Duane and I are ready to move on to more interesting surroundings.  Last night we were deluged with 3 inches of rain in about an hour.  Duane woke up in time to find water rapidly dripping from the ceiling.  We stuffed a bath towel it the slide to catch the waterfall and went back to bed.  We had a respite from the wet for the better part of the day, but the leak was out of sight, out of mind.  Now expect more violent storms this evening.  Luckily the towel is dry and we can stuff it back up against the roof.  Hopefully tomorrow we'll dry out again and Duane can get up on the roof before the next wave of storms roll over and drench us again again.

Better late than ever,

Louise and Duane

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