Thursday, May 30, 2019


Our jobs today to help our Trenton, TX kids move from their gym to their "new" house were dusty and dirty.  

We continued cleaning out the woodworking shop which will be leased out.  We moved the wood that Jr wants to keep from that rack on the right and the pole in the middle onto a flatbed trailer.  I swept up and picked up three huge piles of sawdust.

What goes on must come off.  Father and son unloaded the wood into a storage unit temporarily.

Until the family moves into their house they are staying in half of the gym which they turned into a living room, kitchen, office/playroom, and closet.  They sleep in this 5th wheel behind the building.  Our job today was to unplug the trailer toilet.  We worked for over an hour but were unable to open the drain.  We did find that the seal leaked a bit.  Ugh.   Our next step is to rent a snake tomorrow and cross our fingers.

Only three days left.

Louise and Duane

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