Thursday, August 22, 2019

Yes, No, Contrasts

While Brock, Leola, Duane and I were visiting Amish Country in and around Shipshewana, IN yesterday (see Amish Country blog), we saw lots of things that we expected to see:
buggies for sale

bicycles at a school

 cutting hay with a 4 horse team

bicycling adults

stores selling Amish made furniture, food, and decorations.

Some things we did not expect to see included this very new, very modern, very large (women's) restroom

longhorn cattle,

and more than one modern entertainment venue offering shows and tours.

Interesting contrasts we saw:  buggy crossing sign outside modern mall area with the traditional name of Yoder,

buggy driver getting gas

two kinds of buggies parked in a driveway

buggy horses with semi and sign for power equipment

all kinds of vehicles sharing the road.

Tomorrow--Lake Michigan again.

Louise and Duane

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