Monday, December 30, 2019

😔, 😄

Last night we enjoyed one last night of fun and games with our daughter Rachel and family, and this morning collected hugs and kisses as they went out the door to work and sitter.  We packed up and headed south 

to Cincinnati for a week's visit with daughter Stacy and daughter-in-law Ruth Ann.

After lunch all of my late nights/early mornings this past week caught up with me.  I crashed for 4 hours while the others settled in front of the fire for a chat while they waited for me

to open presents!  

Can't have enough (local chocolatier)Esther Price hot chocolate or non-pareils!

The girls finally have their new movie throw. (See 10/27 Busy At Home blog.)

After gifts were exchanged and appreciated, the girls cooked up a spaghetti dinner for us to enjoy before an evening of cards.

This evening we introduced them to grandson Simon's favorite--Sevens.

Tomorrow--another day, another game!

Louise and Duane

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