With only one week left of our month’s stay in Congress, AZ, we spent some quality time with friends Doug and Jan on one of our favorite rides.

We cruised AZ 89 north past the green frog,

up Yarnell Hill (Weaver Mountains)

through Peeples Valley past the propane “sow” with all her little “piglets”.

At Kirkland Junction we peeled off northwest on AZ 96 through Skull Valley. I think this valley is prettier and more interesting than Peeples Valley. I like the flat topped mesas, grasslands, and well-kept ranches that give way to fields of giant boulders.

Our ride took us past the duck,

and the football,

with an elevation change of 1500’ and plenty of interesting curves.

The road ends in the town of Bagdad, which exists only because of the copper mine.

We cruise up the street to our turnaround point and parked at the Main St. Diner, 1950’s outside

and in (except for the salad bar, of course.) The metal strip along the ceiling

gave me an interesting view of Duane and Jan. After an hour or so in chit-chat and good food, we retraced our ride.

We stopped for a view of this unique crested saguaro (one of the ‘arms’ split),

but otherwise kept on riding,

eventually descending Yarnell Hill, and through Congress where we waved goodbye to Doug and Jan and headed to North Ranch RV Park.

To amuse himself and the grandkids, Duane is growing his beard to see how long he can get it. After a ride it amuses me to see it all spread out like this!

Staying home tomorrow.
Louise and Duane