After several inches of rainfall yesterday, we were treated to some absolutely perfect weather. To celebrate the day we started out with breakfast at Denny’s where we did some research on that picture on the wall (couldn’t find out where it was),

and did creative things.

I am the only misfit who can’t curl my tongue.

Keeping a 12-year-old girl and an 8-yearl-old boy happy at the same time takes a bit of doing, so after breakfast, we decided that a trip to one of the Kilgore city parks was just the thing. We were pleasantly surprised to find a classic car show. Allie decided that these cars look much cooler than modern cars.

Duane’s other fav (besides the pre-Stingray ‘vets) is the ‘66 Pontiac Tempest Convertible. This one is a ‘67 but looks the same.

Luke’s pick, the General Lee

Elvis crooned his way through several hits. This guy was really very good. He actually sounded like Elvis.

Showing off our skills

Home for a lively game of Uno and lunch of chips, strawberries, blackberries and the last of the cookies we made last night.

Tramp tricks

Mom and Dad finally arrived home well-pleased with their adult time. We rounded out the afternoon with a bit of fishing at the river.
Kids bait their own hooks.

Grandpa, Allie, Jeremy, Luke.

Gramps had to show them how it’s done. He was the only one who caught any fish. Here he also snagged a mussel!

I caught lots of good pix, including this little frog. There were lots of these 1 inch jumpers along the river bank.

The next time we see the fishing shack it will have a concrete floor.

Next we plan on doing a lot of –nothing.
Stay tuned to see if that actually works.
Louise and Duane