Thursday, September 14, 2017

Yesterday Today

Yesterday, since we were pretty much shut in by rain, we used the time by working on some projects. 

I worked on a sewing project for (daughter) Rachel and copied my handwritten copy of Maddy’s book into her journal.   Duane bought an air hitch for the house and arranged to have it installed in Missouri after we leave here.  He also updated the GPS maps which took 20 hours to update, and tied up the computer so that I couldn’t blog last night.

For supper we met with friends Pam and Eddie for one last visit.  We had a good time visiting and eating at their favorite Italian restaurant with them and their daughter Toni and her husband Jack while we celebrated Toni’s birthday.

This evening I’ll tell you what we did today so that you can read it tomorrow!

Louise and Duane

1 comment:

Paul and Marsha Weaver OCT. 17, 2009 said...

20 hours. You two must not have updated the GPS for