Thursday, April 13, 2017


Today was pre-surgery class day.  First Duane had to have his pre-op tests, then we sat for two hours with our liaison, Maria.  Lunch was provided before our class, then Maria launched into her PowerPoint presentation.  We learned what to do to prepare for surgery, and where to go and what to expect on surgery day.  We were shown what a replacement knee (and hip) looks like and how it will be attached.  We were informed about what to expect after surgery.  Each person was told to decide what they wanted to do after surgery:  go home and plan on in-home physical therapy, go home and arrange for out-patient pt, go to a nursing facility for pt before going home. Before surgery we will be discussing these options with our case manager.

With our heads reeling from all of this information, we turned our attention to grocery shopping before going home.  After we were home and had time to think about it, it all started slotting into place and making sense.     

While reflecting, I found calm in the last rays of the setting sun.





Pickleball tomorrow, but no other plans.

Louise and Duane

1 comment:

Paul and Marsha Weaver OCT. 17, 2009 said...

Gorgeous reflection photos.
If they didn't do it already, ask it you can have all your prescriptions ahead of surgery. That way you can have them all filled and Louise won't have to run around after she gets Duane home.