Brandey sent me the final wedding picture. Much better.

No pickleball today. At 11 am Duane, Brandey and I went to eat lunch with the girls. They each had a friend who joined us. We were having so much fun that I forgot to take any pix! After lunch we borrowed the girls from school for the afternoon. We went to the town of Whitewright to the local theater for a movie. The town is small, but the downtown businesses were open and seemed to be doing well. The theater is on the left.
I'm always on the lookout for the strange/ interesting/different. I found this wonderful Ford Mustang right on the street.
The theater is called the Odeum. This is an old word for theater, originally Greek or Roman. This one had an Egyptian theme. A nice theatergoer took this pic for us.
The ladies was Cleopatra's Throne Room.
Yes, I found something unusual in the restroom besides its name. I know what to do with these; just hold your hand under it and it works.
I had trouble with this one. I kept feeling around underneath and came up empty. It took me a while to figure out I had to pull it out the front! A new one for me.
Here is another unusual sight. Alyssa usually seeks comfort from women. Today she chose Capaw (her word) for solace.
The girls had riding lessons today. Emma is getting more comfortable at a lope.
Instructor and students repeating a pattern.
Last night after I posted a horrendous storm cell drenched us with rolling thunder, continuous lightening, and wind driven rain. After the worst of the rain was over, the tornado siren went off. We ran across the parking lot for the safety of the Elks' Club building. Later we learned that a tornado had touched down about 5 miles away, leaving considerable damage behind. Today was perfectly beautiful with cool wind, warm sun, clear blue skies. A wonderful bike-riding day. This evening the ride home was very pleasant. We leave when the girls go to bed, usually 8:30, when the sun has just set and dusk is settling in. I love riding along watching the sky darken and reveal the stars. This evening the air was full of the scent of honeysuckle.
Just a few more days left before we move again.
Louise and Duane
1 comment:
Oh how scary a tornado warning is. So very happy y'all are safe. Hope no one was hurt.
I have to laugh because I had the same thing happen to me with the toilet tissue holder. I couldn't figure it out. Thank goodness I always carry Kleenex. Once I was leaving the stall, my head bell went off, and I know what to do with the holder. Good grief. Isn't getting old for the birds!
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