Monday, November 30, 2020


 When we left Lavender Road rv park to workcamp at Tyler State Park the owner was building a new part of the park on the hill above the existing park.  In the six months we were gone, they made some headway.


new road up the hill

November road widened and treated with surface hardner

reinforced culverts which washed out in May

top of the hill in May

and in November

grass replaced by sites with full hook-ups

We spent the afternoon with our Ohio friends Gene and Barbara.  We showed them around son Jeremy's property.  The last time they'd seen it Jeremy was just building his house.  Since then he's built the house, the Fishin' Shak, and three more ponds.  In the evening they cooked supper of Ohio fish and corn grown in their garden--a welcome taste of our former home state foods.
We wiled away the evening with card games.  I was having too much fun to take pix!

Tomorrow, one more day of fun with friends.

Louise and Duane

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Not Done Yet

Our first day at home after our return from visiting family in Georgia was a short one.  In the afternoon our long-time Ohio friends Gene and Barbara arrived in Tyler for a three day stopover before heading on to Arizona for the winter.

They are staying at an rv park about 2 miles from here.  We went there for a chat before and after 

dinner at Cracker Barrel.

We chat on the phone every week, but it's been almost two years since we've had a face-to face visit.

More fun with them tomorrow.

Louise and Duane

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Going Home

 Goodbye sleepy Georgia family.  Time to leave you and start our 10 hour, almost 700 mile journey home to Texas.

We started with blue skies

and drove through fog,

before the weather settled down to cloud cover for the rest of our trip.

We had no problems as we crossed Alabama, and Mississippi

and Louisiana.  Once we arrived at Shreveport, it was only 80 miles to home.

We enjoyed our trip, but its good to be home again.

Glad to be there, glad to be back.

Louise and Duane

Friday, November 27, 2020

Spreading The Cheer


In the morning of our last day in Georgia, Jesse went to work and the rest of us did exercise:  Bella roller-skated, Duane walked the driveway several times, Katelyn followed an aerobic routine on tv, and I did full pt and floor exercise.

Jesse came home for lunch and a game of Trash before heading back to work.

The rest of the family hauled Christmas decorations from the basement and went to work.

Mom did say "Find someplace to put this!"

One last evening together completed the day.

Homeward bound tomorrow.

Louise and Duane

Thursday, November 26, 2020


What makes a happy Thanksgiving Day?

Working together to achieve a goal-- 


Hope your day was as happy as ours!

Louise and Duane

Wednesday, November 25, 2020


Morning in Georgia:

Kaitlyn went to work.  Duane, Jesse, Bella, and I enjoyed a leisurely breakfast and a couple of fun games.

We took a break to appreciate the beautiful fall weather.  The adults strolled around the family's  new property while Jesse outlined their landscaping plans.

Bella had a romp on the trampoline with the exercise ball.

while Copper (aka He'sagoodboy!) begged for attention.  
Later we piled into the truck for a trip to town.  The guys shopped for supplies for a household project, then we ate hot sandwiches and fries for lunch at a little place nearby.


While Jesse went back to town for more stuff for his project, Duane, Bella and I had fun with a game of UNO Attack.  Instead of drawing cards you press a button on the orange thing, and it shoots from 0 to 6 cards at you.  We were laughing at Duane because he always flinched when it was his turn.  

(There are a couple of cards in the air above his hand.)

When Jesse returned, he and Duane completed their project.  Kaitlyn returned from work and enjoyed a Mother/daughter workout with Bella.


Jesse and Kaitlyn went on a date.  Duane lay down for a rest.  A heavy rain drenched the area and Bella decided that it would be fun to make the puddle jump on the trampoline.  Copper ran around in excited circles.  I laughed at them from my dry perch on the porch.

When Duane got up and Bella dried off, we had time for a game of Exploding Cat before supper of leftovers, and played a game of Life after we ate.  When the parents returned we all played a card game called Trash before heading off to bed.

Tomorrow--more fun and games, of course!

Louise and Duane

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

OTR Again

 6 am found us headed east on I20.  We drove out of the cloud cover in Texas 

into beautiful blue skies for the rest of our 10 hour drive across three states.  Other than maneuvering around large cities, in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama,

and through some construction with the usual traffic slowdowns,

we had no problems cruising along the mostly straight highway, enjoying the beautiful fall foliage,

and the Mississippi welcome center  view of the old and new bridges.  

Soon after we crossed into Georgia, we left the freeway behind to travel the scenic byroads

to Douglasville,  arriving at our destination at suppertime.  This is the new house of our son Jesse, daughter-in-law Kaitlyn, granddaughter Bella, and granddog Copper.  The family moved here recently from south Texas.

We were greeted by the family

who showed us around, fed us, and made us feel right at home.  After an evening of chat and a couple of games of Sequence, we said goodnight.

Our purpose for the visit is threefold.  First, we wanted to visit, since we didn't get a chance to see them before they moved.  Second, we wanted to see their new house. Third, we didn't want them to spend Thanksgiving without any family.

Looking forward to the next 3 days,

Louise and Duane