Sunday, February 28, 2021


We started our last day of fun and games with (grandkids) Allie and Luke with breakfast at a locally owned cafe in Kilgore, Tx.


Back at the house we did various activities including finishing a jigsaw puzzle

and playing a game called Tripoly.

In the afternoon heavy rain and thunderstorms kept us indoors.

Luke opted to play an online interactive game with a friend.  It was really weird hearing only his side of the conversation.

Allie, Duane and I had fun using Skipbo cards to play a game called Golf.  (Notice the heavy rain outside.)

The ice cream came out after supper.  Instead of the usual bowlful, Allie opted for her ice cream and hot fudge on a waffle.  Hmmm.

Reunited at last.

Reunited with our house,

Louise and Duane

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