Overcast in the morning was predicted to give way to a warm, dry, partly sunny afternoon. We suited up and hopped the bike for a 140 mile trip. We started on Schobel Rd., picked up SR 109 to SR36 to Brenham. The roads were in good condition, with enough curves, dips and hills to make for a very pleasant ride.
From 36 we accessed SR 577 to reach our turnaround point--the Blue Bell Creamery. We went first to the ell on the left to visit the Welcome Center and view the well-done exhibits chronicling the history of the Creamery. We discovered that the Creamery originally made butter, but gradually dropped that product to concentrate on ice cream.
Duane's favorite exhibit,
and mine.
The other part of the building holds the processing plant behind these walls. Inside the visitors' entrance we found this small Texas baseball museum. Next to it is the elevator and stairs to the second floor.

At the top we were greeted with gallons of every kind of Blue Bell made here. Next came a nice ice cream parlor where you get your favorite freshly made flavor and eat it sitting at traditional ice cream parlor tables and chairs. Beyond that, on the far end is the entrance to the viewing platform where we could see the large (enclosed) stainless steel tubs where the ice cream is flavored then piped to the packaging stations. We watched the station workers loading the cartons, and could see them being filled then the lids applied. An employee was available on the floor with us to answer any questions. He explained that after the lids were put on each tub was boxed and the box turned over for shipping. This allowed the ice cream to settle around the lid, effectively sealing the product and eliminating the need for a plastic seal. The tubs are shipped upside down to stabilize the product during shipping.
Duane in heaven.
After viewing the operation we ordered up our favorite flavors. Duane chose Moo-lenium Crunch (vanilla with dark chocolate and caramel bits, almonds, walnuts, and pecans. I opted for triple chocolate. Blue Bell is really yummy ice cream. I, the ice cream snob, rate among the top five brands nationwide. Getting a freshly made dip on site was a definite plus. To top it off, each dip was only $1. See why he's smiling?!
After our ice cream lunch we backtracked 577 to 36, then kept going to I 10. We made a couple of stops in Katy before enjoying some blue skies and white clouds on our ride home.
Tomorrow more rain is in the forecast, but that didn't keep us from enjoying the afternoon weather today.
Pickleball tomorrow if the showers hold off.
Louise and Duane