Due to lingering showers and thunderstorms moving through our area, we split this week's tour into two days. On Monday we attended the Anderson Co. fair in Clinton. This was by far the smallest fair we have seen. We could have walked the perimeter of the grounds in about 10 min. tops. There was one stock barn with poultry and rabbits in one corner. Beef were scheduled for Wednesday, but no other animals. There were a fair (great pun, eh?) amount of rides, but both exhibitors' buildings could fit into the one big one in Darke Co. Oh. We managed to kill an hour by strolling slowly around and visiting the restrooms twice. Duane wanted to see the whittlers at 6. They turned out to be one older man and one older teen whittling folk art. No carvers. This fair is the only one we know of that isn't open during the day--5 pm to 10 pm only. Hmmm. Yesterday (Wed.) we had a sunny day so we took a drive to Cumberland Falls State Resort Park in KY. They call it that because there is a resort hotel there. We walked along the river walk taking pics of anything we thought interesting. It was, of course, very humid since the spray from the falls carried to the viewing stands. It is estimated that the original falls were 45 miles downstream from their present location. Interesting. The cliffs, river bed, and rock formations are all due to erosion. The snake crawled from the rocks across the walkway and into a tree bole. Don't know what kind, but probably was some kind of water snake. After we had had enough of the falls, we drove through the park checking out the resort, campground, and other amenities. From there we drove to Williamsburg for lunch at 2 pm. Since it was still early, we drove to Norris Dam in TN. This is an hydroelectric dam, so there was no spill. The lake was formed when the dam backed up the Clinch river. There is a nice little info center there, a picnic area, all kinds of hiking trails, good views of the lake, the dam and the river valley as it was before the dam was built, and on the other side from us a marina and boat launch. We took in the views for a bit, then it was time for home.
Basta por hoy,
Louise and Duane
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