Here is Duane's latest class project. This took two days to carve from a roughed out form. He put the finish on it today. He took a tool sharpening class on Monday, and learned to carve an 8" caricature cowboy on Tuesday. He took the Native American project to get a better handle on carving faces. In classes like these the instructor will carve part and the trainee tries to mimic what was shown. While Duane was carving I was swimming and sewing. I am 2/3 done quilting my lastst queen sized quilt. Our friend John (Duane worked with him in Hidden Cove last summer) is staying with us a couple of days. He took a class today and will take one tomorrow. In the evenings, they have fun carving and talk carving.
We are leaving this nice rv resort on Monday. The weather here has been overcast since we arrived a week ago. The daytime temps are in the mid to upper 70's with scattered patches of sun through thin clouds. Mostly it was wet, but that didn't alter our plans. Duane was gone all day. I started my day by a 30-40 min. swim in the adults only indoor pool. Sweet! Then I put together the quilt I had assembled at the last carving seminar in Congress. Tomorrow is the last day for the seminar. Duane is has no class but plans on joining the open carving. You know what I'll be doing!
Basta por hoy.
Louise and Duane
Wow, Duane that carving is gorgeous! I'm jealous. Have you always been artistic?
Oh my!!! Duane, you have come a long way. That is unbelievable...love it!
Louise this is Mary Huber just want to let you know that George died this morning 5-8-09. Didn't know if anyone would contact you.
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