We left Gallup, New Mexico at about 8:00AM this morning because we had a lot planned for the day. Our first stop was at the Painted Desert welcome center where we chatted with a man that was workcamping there. We then entered the park after buying the annual National Parks pass. This is last year I have to spend the $80.00 for the pass. I turn 62 next year and price comes way down. I don't like wishing my life away but the savings will be great. The Painted Desert and the Petified Forrest National Park are connected. You enter in one park and drive through the other. Our trip through the parks took us about 5 hours with all the stops to view and take pictures. We only took one hike, about 1 mile, because we still had some driving to do. I had a heck of a time keeping Louise from picking up some of the wood lying around. The fines for taking anything from the park is real high. There is an inspection station at the exit of the park to check your vehicle for wood, but we were waved right on through. I guess we looked like honest people.
Next we had to stop at a rock shop outside the park. They had petrified wood by the tons. I ask the guy that ran the place where they get all of it. He said that the park has about 10% of the wood in the area. Whoever has the mineral rights on the land around the park can mine the wood. I ask if there was any tours for finding the wood and he said no, the cost of insurance is way to high. He said you now have to dig for the wood as deep as 20 feet because all the surface stuff is gone. Louise had coupon for a 1/2 pound of wood, so she ended up with some in the end.
After leaving the store we continued on to Williams, AZ where we will stay for a couple of nights. We will visit the Grand Canyon tomorrow. The total miles driven today was about 250, but it took us 8 hours to do it with all the stops. Depending on rather we want to return to the canyon or not will determine if stay here a few more days.
Till next time
Duane and Louise
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