Here are 2 walking sticks I just finished. They are made from cedar shafts I got from a guy here in the park. I have another just about done that I will post when it's finished. It will be entirely different than the wood spirit faces I have been doing. Looking foward to going to carving classes next week.
Went out on the lake yesterday with a guy from the park that said he knew the lake well. NOT!!! The bad thing about the trip out was the wind...... When it gets windy on this lake, it gets ROUGH !!!!!!!! We headed across the lake to an area that my pardner said was good. It was pretty rough to make that long of run, but like a dummy, I did it anyway. We fished a cove and started to go to the next one. When we got out on the main lake the waves were at least 3 feet high. The wind had gotten worse. I said we had better head back to the dock. About that time a wave hit the front of boat and came right on in. We had about 6 inches of water in the bottom, guess what, the bilge pump would not work!!! Back in the cove we went. We bailed some of the water out with plastic pop bottles. After setting there wondering what to do next, I decided to try it again. This time I trimmed the motor so the bow of the boat was high. We were able to get the boat up on top of the water for the run back. When we got to dock we were both soaking wet from all the spray coming into the boat. WHAT AT TRIP!!! Today I spent all morning putting in a new bilge pump.
There is a vacant house here at the park that I got permission to use so Louise could lay out the quilt she is working on. We had to sweep and mop the floor so it would clean enough to lay it out. After the floor dried, we layed out the quilt and Louise got it all pinned and ready to sew together. It turned out to be a really great place for her to lay things out. I hope no ones moves into the house so Louise can use it again later...lol
Till next time
Duane and Louise