Stacy's big fish
View from the road to the Kenai

Bar in Homer

After leaving Denali we headed for the Kenai. We pulled into our friend Bill's place and got the motorhome stuck!! It had been raining for a few days and things were pretty wet. After a few trys rocking the coach back and forth I was able to get free. We were real lucky on that one. The next day we drove to Seward for a look around. Seward is a very pretty little town at the bottom of the east side of the Kenai. While driving to the end of the road we saw a bunch of people fishing with bobbers on their lines in the bay. I went to the local fishing store to inquire what they might be using for bait. We decided to give it a try. In about 2 hours we had caught 7 Salmon and was out of bait. Stacy caught 3, Carrie caught 3 and I caught 1. Between Louise and the girls I didn't do much fishing, just baiting hooks and taking fish off the lines. All had a great time. We have no more room in the freezer so fishing is done for now. One day we took a boat tour of the Kenai Fjords National Park. We saw Orca and Humpback whales, Eagles, Puffins, Sea lions and a lot of glaciers. The one glacier was calving big chunks of ice. The sound of the ice cracking was VERY LOUD... The girls took a plane ride on Wednesday to view the glaciers and bears from the air. On Thursday we went to the Russian River National Forrest to hike. When we got to falls there was a mama bear and her cub fishing at the base of the falls. We were on a platform about 30 feet above where they were, it was great. We spent one day driving to Homer which is on the west side of the Kenai. Real nice drive but it was raining on the way down. The way back was nice and sunny. Today we were going back to Seward to walk around the town. I had gone to talk to Bill in his motorhome parked next to us. Stacy started out the door to come get me and there was a black bear standing right outside the coach. She beat a rapid retreat back into the coach. Alaska is great!!!! Tomorrow is a hike at Exit Glacier National Park . The girls leave on Monday so that day we will spend in Anchorage. My internet access has benn pretty spotty so please bear with me.
Till next time
Duane and Louise
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