Tuesday, June 26, 2007


We arrived in Fairbanks Monday afternoon. The drive there was real scenic like always. We stopped at the Mount McKinley view stop. As you can see in the pic, she was hiding in the clouds. We crossed over a couple of deep canyons and had a lot of great river views. The glacier rivers are gray from all the silt in them. The first pic was taken out the rv's window where we were parked Sunday night. When we got to Fairbanks we went to Pioneer Park, which is a park with a lot of old cabins and museums, then we went to the rv park. Today we went the El Dorado Gold mine for a tour and demo of how they mined then and now. We stopped at a pipeline view, BIG pipe....Then it was off to catch the sternwheeler for a trip down the river. On the trip we stopped at Susan Bucther's dog kennel. She was the first women to win the Ididarod dogsled race. She won it 4 times. She died of cancer last year. Her husband is carrying on the training and breeding of the sled dogs. After the kennel we stopped at an Indian village for demo's on their life in the cold north. Pretty interresting trip. Tomorrow we will visit the museum at the collage here. It is suppose to be the best in Alaska. We are having about 21 hours of daylight now. It is 12 midnight and I am setting outside typing this and it is still really light out. I guess I had better go inside and get to bed.
Till next time
Duane and Louise

1 comment:

Times and Travels by Charlie said...

Your pics are great, as usual...

That coin you won is great...

Looks like you guys are havin' a great time...

Congrats on the new grandson...and the up-coming grandchild too...

We have 10 (6 girls and 4 boys from 6 months old to 12 & 1/2 years old) and they are the greatest...