We stopped at Meramec Caverns for a couple of days. The campground is right on th river and very pretty. Took a tour of the cave and really enjoyed it. The stalagmites and tites were really cool. I liked this tour better then the one of Mammoth Cave, much prettier. When we left Meramec we headed for Branson, Mo. We stayed at the Escapees Park in Branson. This park was nice and best of all cheap.....I'm all for saving....lol.... While in Branson we went to the Circle B Chuckwagon dinner show. They served dinner before the show. The music was all cowboy songs. We had a good time there. The next evening we went to an outdoor drama at the Shepherd of the Hills theater. It was a good story about the people of the Ozarks. During the day we traveled around the area, took a hike, did some geocaching and saw lots of pretty scenery. The weather there was nice, not to hot. The trees had just started to turn thier fall colors. The color would have been great in about 2 weeks, but we couldn't stay any longer. We left Branson and headed south. The first night out we stopped at a Walmart for the evening. When we got up the next morning I noticed that a tire on the Jeep was low. I took it over to the tire repair in Walmart to check it out. Bad choice!!!!! I stood there for 5 hours waiting for them to fix it....SLOW..... Leaving there Louise decided to take the the scenic route over the mountian into Oklahoma. Of coarse she wasn't the one driving. The drive was REALLY curvy and REALLY steep up and down. I got to see the sights when I pulled off at the turnout vistas. It really wasn't too bad of a drive for me, at least there weren't any drop offs with no guardrails to deal with. We stayed at Broken Bow, Oklahoma Saturday and Sunday, then drove on in to Jeremy's on Monday. When we arrived there I notice antifreeze dripping from the radiator off the motorhome!! So I made am appointment to get it looked at, of coarse they can't do it till Friday the 20th. We will stay here till that's fixed, then off to Georgia.
Till next time
Duane and Louise