Not a whole lot to report from Deming. Louise works 7 hours Thursday and Friday, I work 3 hours the same day. The knife blade cover in the picture is my latest carving. I plan on carving covers for all my knives. Louise has been busy making quilts. On Monday I go to the rock shop to work on stones for jewelery. It has been way to hot, 100 +, to venture out in to the desert hunting rocks. We are finally are getting some rain so maybe things will cool off a bit. Our big adventure is a trip to Las Cruses every couple of weeks. Deming has a Walmart, that's about it. Cruses has everything. Deming has no good pizza places, so when Louise wants pizza, off we go. That's where the Lowes, Hobby Lobby, JoAnn Fabric, all the stores we frequent are. They even have Texas Road House.
The Holiday Inn next door to the rv park lets us use their swimming pool and work out room. There is a gate from our park to the lot so it is short walk. Louise goes to the pool every day. She just started getting on the stepper machine before going to the pool. I go to the trend mill about 5 days a week. The days that I work, I don't go over. By the time I get done doing the yard work in the heat, I figure that's enough for one day.
That's it for now
Duane and Louise