Katie charming grandpa in our garage.

Part of our driveway "rent" was to help Matt with some larger chores. My "job" was to plant this herb garden and the tomato and pepper garden below and help plant flowers.

Duane's "jobs" included fixing up the old chicken coop in the corner. Matt and Beth bought six different breeds of chicks to raise for a learning experience for the children, to harvest eggs, and because they think chickens are cool. They kept the chicks in an old Pack-n-play in the garage until they had enough feathers to move outside. Matt and Duane built nesting boxes, a roosting perch, and a manure box from old kitchen cupboards. Add wood shavings, a feeder, and a waterer and you have chicken heaven. Since the polts aren't quite ready for the chilly evenings yet, the warming light was moved with them. Duane also worked on tightening up the swing set by drilling and adding bolts to it. Some of the old ones kept backing out. He also helped moved the patio stuff to the patios and fenced the garden to keep the chickens and the kids out.

The chickens really like being out of the Pack-n-Play and in their spacious coop. They have the run of the yard during the day and are penned in at night.

Katie likes to hold and kiss the chickens. Jack likes to hold Bo Peep (below), but likes to chase the flock.

Our time here is almost over. We will be packing up tomorrow and pulling out Monday morning. We are looking forward to hitting the road again because we are full-timers, but we are also sorry to be leaving. We have really enjoyed our three-week stay here and will be looking forward to our next visit.
That's plenty for now,
Louise and Duane