
On Wednesday we traveled to Celina, TX to visit with son Duane Jr, wife Brandey, twin granddaughters Emma and Ava. It's a 250 mile trip so we spent the night there. The twins are growing up in a hurry now. They are 17 months old now and starting to get into everything. They are giving their parents a run for their money. They know what they want and are not happy when they don't get it...lol They are nearing those terrible twos, hang in there Brandey. They are a lot of fun at this age. Watching them relate to each other is amazing. They laugh a lot and play together really good most of the time. Of coarse they have their little deputes over who gets what toy and such. Then there is the occasional biting...lol... oh, wait that is not funny is it? We had a great time visiting and chatting with all. By the time we get back to this area they will be SOOOO big.

Pine cone

Indian 4 1/2 in. tall
These are my 2 latest carvings. I saw the pine cone in a magazine and had to carve one. The Indian is a scaled down model of a larger one I had done a year ago. I'm not sure what I will work on next. I spent today cleaning the shop and looking for a drill bit I thought I had. How do we lose so much in such a small house??? We are always misplacing things and finding them months later ... maybe the mind is slipping...lol I wanted to make a tool holder for in the shop, hence, I needed the drill bit. I have a really nice travel box that son JR. made for me. When we are sitting I want to make a bench tool holder so I don't have to set the travel box on the bench. I just bought a bench top dust collector that takes the place I use to set the tools. Now I can use my power carver and sander in the shop without creating a bunch of dust. Before, I had to go outside to use them. Sure makes things easier and saves me a lot of time.
We are still waiting to hear from Heartland about the roof problem we have. Well, I say we have problem, not so sure they agree. It is not leaking now but has bumps showing up under the rubber. I am worried that down the line something may break through and cause a leak. We shall see. Our plan now is to stay in Livingston till the Monday after Thanksgiving, then head out. I hope it works that way.
Our friends Paul and Marsha Weaver are coming to Houston the first of the week. We are going to meet them for lunch on Tuesday. Looking forward to visiting with them again. We met them earlier this year here in Livingston, then again in Knoxville. We always have a great time sharing our travel stories.
Till next time
Duane and Louise