It has been a while since I have finished a carving. I started this some time ago. Between working in the park and changing rvs, I haven't had much time to carve. We got the shop set up in the back of the new 5th wheel trailer and our hours here at the park are now 20 hours for the 2 of us, I have the time and the place to work no matter what the weather is like outside. Maybe I can get a few things done now. I have no idea why I decided to carve a beer drinking biker. I don't have a bike and I don't drink beer, go figure. I just got the urge to carve this guy, so I did. I hope people like him, I do.
We are settled in our new house and quite comfortable. Despite the fact that our living quarters are smaller, the work room gives us more freedom. We like it a lot though it is still a little cluttery since we don't have everything put away yet. We will have it in order by the time we leave here next Sunday. We will be headed to Knoxville, TN and our new assingnment at Raccoon Valley Escapees park. Before we report for work we will be making a stop at an rv repair for work on our tv (great picture but no sound), and our microwave/convection oven (will work a few seconds then quit). Hopefully these problems will be resolved before we start working on the 9th. Meantime, we have one more work day here on Sat. The rest of the week we will be fixing up, putting away, and enjoying our last few days at this park. The weather is still kind of springtime iffy, but most of the time it is beautiful. Today was perfect--cloudess deep blue sky, bright sunshine, a cool north wind. We hope you all are enjoying some nice weather too.
Enough for now,
Louise and Duane