Its been almost a week since we moved to Livingston and we have been very busy. We were glad to get here. When we left the rv park by Kilgore we had been without power for over 24 hours and it wasn't expected to return until Sunday. We drove out of clouds and snow into sunshine and no white stuff. Yay! We spent the weekend doing chores and minor repairs. On Monday we started our training with Escapees RV Club. Duane is doing maintenance and I am training in the office. We are almost through with our first 40 hour week. Needless to say, we aren't used to these long days. Next week will be the same, then for the next month we cut back to 20 hrs a week each. So, for the next 6 weeks we will be at Livingston learning and working. Although the training is very physical for Duane and very detail orientated for me, we are doing well. We come home tired and not inclined to join any of the social activities, but we know this will only be for another week. After that we will have more free time to relax. We may even have some photos for the blog! Duane insists that he is working harder than I. He has no idea how hard it is to juggle all this information.
Basta por hoy!
Louise and Duane
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Our we in Texas???????

This just isn't right.....We woke up to about 6 inches of snow this morning. They said on the news that Dallas got 11 inches in some areas. I don't know if I will be able to live with this global warming. We have spent almost as much on propane in the first month and a half of this year as we had spent all last year. We have decided that we will not plan to stay in Texas next
Till next time
Duane and Louise
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Last Visit for a While

Well, we made it back safely from Ohio, and enjoyed a last visit with Jr, Brandey and the girls. We also got to visit with friends Bob and Sharon and Anita and John before we packed up and headed for Kilgore. We arrived last Thursday without incident after driving in pouring rain all the way. For the last week we did our things during the day and visited in the evening. One day we drove to Shreveport to consult with our financial guy. On Monday I reported to jury duty. After a couple of hours of formalities and selection, all of us were dismissed with the thanks of the court. I was relieved cause we leave on Sat. for Livingston and our new job which starts on Monday. We have been trying to walk our two miles every day, but the weather hasn't been cooperating. We have had a couple days of sunshine and chilly winds. The other days have been just like March in Ohio--overcast and damp or downright wet. Today it even snowed! Yikes!!! We are regretting being here in Texas this winter. The weather couldn't compete with the warm fire we found at son Jeremy's house, though. In the evenings we has some great visits with Jeremy, Jennifer, Allie and Luke. We played and visited, and shared meals. On Monday son Jesse came to visit also. We spent a few daytime hours playing cards and catching up with him. One day he helped Duane pull the washer/dryer out so he could clean out the dryer exhaust. It really needed it. It was full of lint. Now, though, all of our visiting is at an end. Jesse went back home to Temple this evening. Jeremy and family are leaving tomorrow for a weekend visit with Jennifer's parents. We have one more day here before we head south. Tomorrow we plan to start getting stuff put away. If the weather isn't too bad, we might drive to Tyler and visit one of my favorite quilt shops. I really don't have anything I need to buy for the next quilt, but I always like to look.
Enough til later
Louise and Duane
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
50 years!!!

We went traveling again. This time we hopped on a plane to our home area of Dayton, Ohio. Duane's brother Dennis and his wife Pat celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday. They were surrounded by their many family members and friends. We felt we couldn't miss it, so away we went. The party was fun and we were glad we were there. After the party we went to Dennis and Pat's house and had a nice quiet visit with them. The top pic is of the three boys. Dennis is oldest, then Dean and Duane. (Dennis is actually taller than Duane.)
While we were in Ohio we didn't do a whole lot. We arrived on Wed and went directly to our friend Barbara's house. On Thurs am we made a quick trip to the store. Friday evening we met daughter Stacy for dinner. Sat afternoon was the party. Sunday we visited with daughter Rachel, son-in-law Benji (when he got home from work) and grandchildren Maddy, Simon, and Judah. Monday we ventured out to the Esther Price candy store. Today we flew home. The rest of the time we stayed home with our friend Barbara. Duane kicked back in the recliner under a fleece blanket. Barbara and I sat at the table for hours playing Rummy Cubes.
There were a couple of reason for not doing a whole lot of running around. One was the weather. Cold!!! Highs in the 20's and lows in the teens. The other was that we were getting over two weeks of colds. I was down to the sniffles, but every time Duane hit the cold air, he started coughing. He was much better by Sunday, probably because he spent a lot of time resting.
At any rate, we were well enough for one last visit with Jr, Brandey and the twins today. Tomorrow we plan to goof off. On Thursday we pack up and head east for Kilgore. We will visit with son Jeremy, daughter-in-law Jennifer and grandkids Allie and Luke. I have to report for jury duty (they finally caught up with me) on the 8th. On the 15th we start our training with the Escapees.
Basta por hoy!
Louise and Duane
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