Here we are back in Troy, safely ensconced in the back yard of daughter Racher and son-in-law Benji. The grandkids think this is great. They can walk to our house by themselves! We have been spending our time visiting, playing, and goofing off in general. We had a nice visit yesterday with friends Pam and Eddy Shouse at lunch and Barbara and the GM pipefitter gang for supper and of course an evening of visiting and playing Euchre. This is a regional card game we grew up with and don't get to play anywhere else.
The pix above are of course dominated by our adorable grandchildren: Simon aged 2, Madeleine who will be 5 on Sept. 11, and Judah aged 4 months. On Wed. we went to Madeleine's soccer game. It was great watching a bunch of 4 year olds learning the technics of the game while having fun. All the parents shouted encouragement to both teams. While Madeleine played the boys found interesting things to do. In the pic of Madeleine on my lap, Simon is in the left background headed for fun with gravel and other 2 year olds. At the top we were relaxing before the game.
We will be in this area for a month visiting all of our friends and relatives, so you will probably be meeting more family members.
Enough for now,
Louise and Duane