Only one more day for us here in the Colorado Desert. This week we have been preparing for departure. Tuesday we cleaned the house from top to bottom: ceilings, walls, floors and everything in between. While we had things cleaned up we pulled in the walls and drove down the road to our friendly Flying J for a propane fill up. Today Duane worked our last four hours this morning. I sat around reading. After lunch we drove to the BLM land outside Joshua Tree National Park. The Escapees boondockers were camped there, so we drove up the big hill for a short visit. The little hummingbird was nesting on the tree watching our 'happy hour' party. The nest was as big around as a quarter! Back home we hiked the Mc Callum trail. The adult owl was sitting just off the trail a little above eye level. While Duane was photographing one baby, he saw another scramble into the corner. We know that blurry business in the corner is another baby by its coloring. A few minutes later it disappeared. Before we left the adult flew away and the babies hunkered down out of sight. We noticed the primroses were sporting three colors. The new blooms are white, turning pink and then purple as they fade. Beautiful to the end. Tomorrow our plan is to hike to McCallum early to see what we can see. We are having lunch with our neighbors and our boss, then will pack up the car. A full day!
Basta por hoy
Louise and Duane