Aren't we just the most adventurous folks!!! Last Sunday we hiked the trail back to Moon Country. This is another mile and a half behind the McCallum Oasis. It's called Moon Country because the canyon is all rocky and not much grows there. When we got there we followed the flags up hill. We were picking out the proposed connector trail between Moon Country and Willis Palms. It leads up the side of the tallest of the Indio Hills. We toiled up the side of the hill and proudly stood on the highest point 1,308' above sea level. (We started from 650'.) The first view is to the north east. Sun City is to the far left and the mountains are the Little San Bernadinos and the southwest boundry of Josua Tree National Park. The other view is of a mud canyon. The fault action grinds the earth and rock upward. A chemical reaction changes some of this into mud. When we were done rubbernecking we followed the flags to the Willis Palm connection then struck off for home. We simply picked our direction and followed the easiest (?) way down. This involved zigzagging and following the downhill runoffs. Four hours after we started we arrived safe and very tired back home. The dragonfly was just waiting along the trail for a photo op. The quail are daily visitors outside our window. There is a fruiting palm there that attracts them. (Remember you can click on the photos to enlarge them.) We hope you enjoy living vicariously through our wonderful adventures.
Enough for now, Louise and Duane