Jack, Our California grandson
Flowers along the trail here in the park

Hi everyone, Duane was bored with writing since we are just sitting here not doing much, so he passed the keyboard to me for a spell. I hope you like our pix. The top one is of grandchild #4 who will be one in July. His parents named him Jack, and now that he is mobile they call him The Jack Attack. He has a sibling due in Dec. and we have one due in a couple of weeks in Texas, so that will make six. Our kids took their time getting started, but now there seems to be no stopping them! The other pix are from a short (2 1/2 mile) hiking/biking trail we have here at the park. It is just a bush hogged path through some overgrown land along the north west side of the lake. They were taken on Wed. evening when the sunlight was particularly good. It was really, really windy, though, with sustained winds of 30 mph and gusts up to 40 mph so it was difficult to get anything standing still. The lake actually had 2 foot high rollers crashing on the shore. It looked and sounded like the ocean! Duane took his walking stick along with his camera, but we didn't see any snakes. People all around us have seen large copperheads, water moccasins, and rat snakes, but I have seen only two small dead ones. Duane saw one large black rat snake one day at work. However, as I tend to stay on the paved roads that is probably not too unusual. The weather is really hot here now with night time lows at 75 and daytime highs in the upper nineties. The wind is hot but makes the outside bearable, at least until you can get to some air conditioning. So we tend to lay low in the "house", Duane carving walking sticks and wine bottle stoppers, and me making quilts and counted cross stitch embroidery. At least that's what Duane does when he's not working. Today was his day off but he had to work on the public dock. The wind had the waves so riled up that both the docks were literally breaking into pieces. He just went over for a look-see and ended up staying all day, in tshirt, shorts, and sandals. Neither of us thought a thing about sunscreen until he came home all sunburned! O well.
Basta por hoy! That's Spanish for enough for now!
Louise and Duane