Till next time
Duane and Louise
We got together with Duane Jr. and Brandey over the weekend. Had steaks on the grill, then played cards. Had a great time. We haven't been doing much else. The weather has been really crappy, cold and windy. I was able to get out on the lake once in the past week, didn't catch a thing. It is suppose to start warming up later this week. Hopefully the water temperature will warm so the fish will be more active. We started rewiring some of the shelter houses here at the park. Last year this park was under water. The lake was 17 feet above normal. It flooded most of the shelters and ruined the wiring so they are redoing all of them. It is a nice change from working on toilets all day. The bear in the picture is the latest thing that I have carved. I am now working on learning how to carve faces on walking sticks. I hope to have one good enough to post soon. Louise has been busy working on quilts.
Till next time
Duane and Louise