Yesterday we took a trip up to Central, Alaska. The main purpose we went was to do a little goldpanning up there. The trip was about 130 miles one way. When we got there we couldn't find the place we were looking for. Oh will, the scenery was nice and we had bought our fishing licences before we left Fairbanks, so we stopped along the way to fish. We caught a few Grayling that I cleaned and Louise fixed for supper when we got back to the rv. I had put off buying the licence because of the cost, $145 each for the summer, but decided it would be a waste to pass up all this fishing. The tundra we passed through was covered in spots with the purple flowers you see in the pic. We passed over several mountains on the drive and the valley views were many. The beaver in the pic was not happy when we first got to pond. He or she ??? slapped his or her tail on the water a couple of times to alert the others . Saw an eagle but didn't get a picture. Not seeing much wildlife yet. Been in Alaska for 4 weeks and haven't seen a moose or a bear in this state yet. On Friday we packed up and headed down the road to North Pole. Our mail was suppose to be there, guess what, no mail. If I had known that it wasn't there we would have stayed where we were another night. I should have called to check before we pulled up. There is a nice rv park in North Pole that we decided to stay at, a little more money then the other place but a lot nicer. Hope the mail gets here tomorrow, if so we will head down the road a bit. May go back to Chicken for a few days. The guys we met in Girdwood at the gold show will be there and wanted us to meet them there. Stopped at Santa Claus's house here at the North Pole. Can we say tourist trap!!!!! Neat store really.
Till next time
Duane and Louise