Spent the day exploring San Antonio. Went to the site of the Alamo. Spent a lot of time there reading all the info. It was very interresting to both of us. Then we walked several blocks to the Buckhorn Taveren. The picture of the bar is the Buckhorn. They have a muesum there of Texas history and more mounted animals than you can imagine. There are animals and fish from all over the world hanging on the walls. After the taveren we headed for the River Walk. The place has all kinds of places to eat and spend your money. It's pretty but not our cup of tea. We walked around there for a little while, took a few pictures, then headed for the car. I think we walked around for 7 hours but didn't walk all that far, just on our feet a long time. The most expensive thing we did all day was pay for the parking garage. lol I didn't look to see what they charged for it when we went in, cost $18.00 to get out. When we left I looked around and found a place we could have parked for about half that. O well, I'll know better tomorrow. We will go to the Mission National Park tomorrow, not sure what else.
That's it for now
Duane and Louise